“Sun’s coming up we got MoonCakes on the Griddle ♫♪ ♥ ♪♫ ”
- Moonlight overVermontCakes: vtCheddar RumbledEggs MorningSpuds CobSmokedBacon VTmapleSyrup
- SugarHouseCake: vtCheddar RumbledEggs PurpleOnion MorningSpuds MapleSyrupSoakedWalnuts
- MonteCristoCake: MapleHam Swiss PurpleOnion FriedEgg MorningSpuds CranberryChutney
Concoctions from Childhood Memories with a Fresh Twist
- ChocolateMudCakes: Nutella Strawberries Bananas
- ChocolateFlufferNutterCake: PeanutButter MilkChocolate Marshmallows CaramelDrizzle
Harvest Inspired MoonCakes
- SpringFlingFruitCakes: seasonal NativeBounty
- goGreenCakes: seasonal NativeBounty
- FarmHouseCheeseCake: featuring a Local Cheese paired with seasonalNativeBounty
GlobalFlavor MoonCakes
- Fly me to the Moon: A jazzy Italian medley composed of Basil FreshMozzarella Spinach Tomato CalamataOlives PurpleOnion
- Greek GyroCake: seasonedLambStrips Cucumbers Tomato Tzatiki PurpleOnion Spinach