- Soaked Toast: Drowned in an Egg & Milk Bath and Griddled to a Golden Hue
Choice of BakeHouse Challah or Organic Wheat - Bakehouse EggPie: In the Spirit of Quiche
Farm Eggs are spaddled with Thomas Cream and entangled with Todays Bounty of Goodness - Egg Wrap-ritto: Pressed until golden crisp in a HerbWrap until Crisp
RumbledEggs Black Beans PepperJack Grilled Onion Sour Cream Salsa - Philly cheeseSTEAK&Egg-PANINI: 2FriedEggs GrilledOnion Horseradish pressed in Ciabatta
- Embrace the Morn:any style you please 2Eggs MorningSPUDS Choice of Country HAM or cobxmokedBACON TOASTEDbakehouseBREAD